Our story
A single avocado seed, three toothpicks, and a glass of water.
With a vision to produce avocados for myself and my family, I set out to propagate the smooth and shiny brown seed.
I watched the radical root emerge, which was followed by a single green leader. The roots navigated through the glass of water and I watched through child-like eyes with fascination. Curiously, I cut all the root tips. In response, the avocado shot up 15 more leaders with extreme vigor.
I learned that the natural world mirrors the person interacting with it.
The avocado which I propagated over six years ago, is planted in my family's garden amidst papaya, Mexican tarragon, and cinnamon myrtles.
From this novel experiment, my horticultural exploration and admiration continued to grow. My curiosity extended outwards like the branches of a crepe myrtle and divided my interest and observation across other sects of the natural world. The roots of my knowledge were anchored in my studies, treasured literature, esteemed mentors, and the best teacher of all - my experience in nature.
I guess Native Springs is the first non-tangible bloom of my horticultural life.